Since first launching the Reading Is Lit! family engagement kits, the regional team has continued work in development, distribution, and evaluation to reach goals.
ThinkTV and Learn to Earn Dayton collaborated to pilot kits for out-of-school use that encourage family engagement through literacy activities. We have been thrilled with the positive reception the kits have received from educators, students, and families.
The pilot is designed to be intentionally small, as we conduct the formative work of evaluating and adjusting the process, reducing costs for sustainability, adapting to changing technologies for engagement and communication, establishing methods for ongoing outcome tracking, and preparations for scale.
Even keeping the program strategically small through the development process, there has been significant impact. Since the first launch with ~100 kits in the fall of 2023, the initiative has expanded with nearly 1,000 kits produced for distribution by the end of 2024.
The team has developed four unique kits, each including a grade-level appropriate book and complementary activities that students and caregivers can enjoy at home.
The work is guided by feedback from families and dedicated educators who work to ensure activities are aligned with classroom efforts.
Thank you to our many partners, including the Iddings Foundation, Del Mar Encore Fellows Initiative (through The Dayton Foundation), CenterPoint Energy Foundation, The Frank M. Tait Foundation, Kettering Family Philanthropies, and the University of Dayton Teacher Education Program & Fitz Center Educational Equity Program.
See how families learn together with these kits! Fall distribution included:
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault
Frog on a Log?, by Kes Gray
Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea, by Ben Clanton
To learn more, contact Erica Fields at Erica.Fields (at)