Mosaic of Hope

We've all struggled this past year, balancing work, family, staying healthy, everything. Sometimes it just felt like everything was broken.
But broken pieces – fragments – can be made into something beautiful: a mosaic.
Learn to Earn Dayton, Omega CDC, Omega Baptist Church, and the Mosaic Institute of Dayton are working with many community partners to build a large, beautiful, playful mosaic at the Hope Center for Families, 1800 Harvard Blvd.
The 19-foot mosaic will be built on the grounds, near the playground, and includes learning games for families to explore together: letters, words, images all created from tiny pieces of tile. It’s part of a Learn to Earn initiative to create opportunities to “Play on Purpose”!
The design of the mosaic is called “Together We Rise,” and includes a soaring bird, arrayed in an African kente cloth-inspired pattern, a multicultural sunburst, lions, animal footprints, and the alphabet. Families will be invited to play games on the mosaic, search for letters and images, and do rubbings of some textured areas of the surface. Most important, it will encourage play and inspire hope.
Join us for the grand reveal of the Mosaic of Hope!
Celebrate with us and enjoy free snacks and fun games for the kids!
When: Wednesday, July 28
Where: Hope Center, 1800 Harvard Blvd. Dayton, OH 45406
Time: 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Cost: Free
Thank you to our sponsors: