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Student Success

Learn to Earn Dayton knows that to reach our big goal of a more highly-educated workforce, there are stepping stones along the way that must start early in a child’s academic career.

By aligning efforts with school districts, out-of-school partners, elected officials, and community organizations, we are committed to creating an educational system that provides each student with equitable access to future economic prosperity.

Attendance Matters

National and local data show that a student’s attendance, starting in preschool and continuing through the elementary grades, directly correlates with the student’s academic success. Attendance Works, a national organization dedicated to reducing chronic absenteeism, offers data and tips. Learn to Earn Dayton partnered with Dayton 6th to launch Every Day in School Matters.  

Summer + Afterschool Collaborative

Understanding that a student’s academic success isn’t solely based on what happens in the classroom, Learn to Earn Dayton launched the Summer + Afterschool Collaborative in 2017. The program has expanded to include dozens of formal and informal out-of-school organizations, striving to provide best practices for high-quality learning experiences.

Learn to Earn Summer and Afterschool Collaborative

High-Impact Tutoring

HIT is a research-backed, evidence-proven strategy to enhance academic achievement through personalized instruction, frequent assessments, and targeted interventions. The approach boosts academic performance, student motivation and engagement. In Summer 2024, a diverse regional coalition convened by Learn to Earn Dayton, was selected to participate in a competitive design sprint with Results for America to launch a High Impact Tutoring (HIT) program that balances best national practices and the needs of our local community. The lessons from the work and the early pilot continue to support area students.

Student Vision

Key to Learn to Earn Dayton’s approach is centering and amplifying the voice of the students and families we are serving. In 2023, the City of Dayton contracted with Learn to Earn Dayton to coordinate the My Voice. My City. My Future. project, with the goal of creating a youth master plan for Dayton – by and for teens.

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