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We strive to eliminate educational inequities.

Who We Are


We transform systems through data, partnerships, and policy to ensure all learners in the Dayton Region have the resources and opportunities that foster lifelong success and economic mobility.


All learners and their families in our region can thrive—regardless of race, gender, or zip code.

Learn to Earn Dayton tracks county-wide, cradle-to-career milestones, and shares stories of how we’re working to reach the big goal.


​HOW we do it:


Learn to Earn Dayton is proud to be a Proofpoint member of StriveTogether, a national network of nearly 70 communities committed to a theory of action to get better results for kids. We track and analyze six key metrics along the cradle-to-career education continuum that research shows support student success in school and ultimately in life.


By leveraging data, focusing on equity, and working in collaboration, Learn to Earn Dayton has earned the Systems Transformation designation in recognition of our work to successfully advance educational outcomes.


WHY we do it:


for Montgomery County

of working-age adults in the Dayton Region will have a recognized postsecondary credential.


Postsecondary education is increasingly important to succeed in today’s economy:

of Ohio’s “in-demand” occupations require a certificate or degree.

Source >


Achieving our big goal
would mean

more adults in Montgomery County with a postsecondary degree or credential, preparing them to compete for family-sustaining jobs.


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